Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

Want to be happy right here, right now without having to change a single thing? Simply look at your world through grateful eyes. No matter what your current life situation, I'm sure you have many things to be grateful for. The problem is these good things get covered up by our focusing upon the things we don't particularly like. And so, gratitude goes out the window and is replaced by discontent.

Simply shift your focus away from what you don't like and on to what you do. In any given moment there are hundreds of things you can be grateful for -- your friends, your health, your talents, hobbies, sense of humor, favorite possessions -- and the list goes on & on.

As has been said, in one form or another, by nearly every true spiritual teacher from the Buddha on -- what you think about expands. Think about what you like about your life and the liking of your life grows. Gratitude induces more gratitude, and magically enough, even more good things for which to be grateful.

Happiness then increases not because you've gone out and accomplished, achieved, or changed anything. Happiness ensues because you begin to appreciate what's been here all along.

Gratitude fosters happiness. It's as simple as that.

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